Legal action is being sought by the Isle of Wight Council over repairs to a collapsed wall, which has left a road in Ventnor shut since last year.

The reopening of Bath Road has been delayed, the council has said.

The local authority has said it is seeking to secure repairs to the retaining wall adjacent to the road.

To find a solution, the council said it is currently engaged in legal action with the landowners.

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Meanwhile, there are still no dates for the reopening of Lower Gills Cliff Road, which has been closed since a cliff fall wiped out a set of traffic lights.

A spokesperson for the IW Council said: "The council is currently commissioning safety work to enable Gills Cliff Road to be re-opened as soon as possible."

The updates come as another route into the town prepares to close for two weeks.

Adding to disruption caused by the already shut Leeson Road, The Graben/Newport Road is closing next month.

It means drivers heading to and from the town will be diverted via Whitwell Road. 

The council said it will not be possible to re-open Gills Cliff Road prior to the start of the Graben work.