AN ISLAND League football club, with a disciplinary record described by an Isle of Wight Divisional Football Association member as the worst he'd ever seen in more than 40 years involvement in the game, has been allowed to resume playing after receiving a fine and stern warning.

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Bembridge-based High Park's first team, which play in Division 1, were suspended from playing football for seven weeks in December for violent conduct, which led to a match being abandoned.

Isle of Wight County Press: Steyne Park in Bembridge where High Park FC play their home games.Steyne Park in Bembridge where High Park FC play their home games. (Image: Isle of Wight County Press)

But they were given permission to resume in the Isle of Wight Senior (Gold) Cup tomorrow (Saturday) following a warning to their future conduct by the Hampshire FA's disciplinary panel last week, together with a £200 fine. 

High Park, with a record of 11 red cards and 18 yellows in 11 Division 1 fixtures, led to them amassing fines from them, totalling £751. 

But their manager, Stuart Woodmore, who put together a video montage of the dismissals, showing crude challenges, off-the-ball incidents and language used to others in sight and earshot of women and children spectating, believes his team was unfairly treated by being suspended and remains defiant, as they aim to fulfil their fixtures for the rest of the season.

At a disciplinary meeting  of the IWDFA's Saturday League committee on Monday, with High Park represented by Woodmore, the club was reinstated, but was warned to improve their discipline.

Woodmore signed a document agreeing for his team to "behave themselves". 

According to one senior member of the IWDFA, an option to kick High Park out of the league, after considering the concerns of several other Island clubs, was a serious option.

Concerns included the threat of serious injury being caused by High Park players and intimidating behaviour towards players and referees.

In a video posted on YouTube, Woodmore hit back at other clubs for complaining to the IWDFA — claiming three of his players suffered broken legs this season, but had not "dished any out".

To other sides in the division, he added: "Put your big boy's pants on, come and play us and have a go. Come and play your football. That's all we want."

Senior IWDFA officer, Roger Raggett, its honorary treasurer, said he was disappointed by High Park's disciplinary record the past three seasons.

"I've been involved in the game on the Island since 1982 and this season has been the worst I've ever known," he said.

"It doesn't create a good image for Island football. High Park is unfairly tarnishing the reputation of many other clubs.

"They came very, very close to being kicked out."

High Park's boss said some players have "abandoned ship" and many of them still have bans to serve as he looks to strengthen his squad.