The borough's affluent south is the target of the latest regeneration drive, with Purley town centre set to receive a £110,000 boost.
The news has been given "100 per cent support" from residents who feel that for too long the south has lost out to its more needy northern counterpart.
Proposals to improve the centre's fortunes were approved at Croydon Council's highways and transportation committee meeting last month. They include:
l Street light upgrading including replacement golden white lighting in several roads, at a cost of £15,000
l Grants for shop front improvements to a total of £50,000
l "Welcome to Purley" signs
l Possible installation of a new "superloo"
l Possible introduction of CCTV
The package will now go out to consultation, with residents and businesses being leafleted in the New Year and asked for their views.
"Purley definitely needs this," said Lionel Huggett, chairman of the Purley Bourne Residents' Association.
"We need something to wake the town centre up and these proposals get 100 per cent support from our crowd."
The proposals build on the work being carried out to improve the lighting in the J Sainsbury's car park and the £10,000 spent on Purley rail station.
Councillor Mick Jewitt, chairman of the highways and transportation committee, said: "Regenerating district centres is a major plank in our strategy for improving the borough as a whole."
"Helping places like Purley become more self-reliant means people will be able to do more of their business locally without having to travel around.
"Neglected areas start getting a life of their own again, and that's good for everyone who lives or works close to a district."
Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000.Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.
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