Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has pledged to look at the challenges posed by Isle of Wight ferry travel.

The commitment has been confirmed in the Conservative Party’s manifesto, published today, which specifically references cross-Solent ferries.

The review will look at “all options” to promote greater competition and drive down fares to provide a fairer service for Islanders.

The manifesto said: "Recognising the current challenges with cross-Solent transport, we will establish a review to explore all options to provide more choice and drive down fares.”

Bob Seely, Conservative MP candidate for Isle of Wight West, said he welcomed the commitment.

Click on the links above to find out how the Isle of Wight's electoral candidates would tackle Isle of Wight ferries.

  • For Isle of Wight East: Emily Brothers, Labour; David Groocock, Independent; Michael Lilley, Liberal Democrats; Vix Lowthion, Green Party; Sarah Morris, Reform UK; Joe Robertson, Conservatives.
  • For Isle of Wight West: Cameron Palin, Green Party; Ian Pickering, Reform UK; Richard Quigley, Labour; Bob Seely, Conservative; Nick Stuart, Liberal Democrat, Rachel Thacker, ADF.