AN ISLE of Wight man who barged into his ex-wife’s house and raised a clenched fist at her has been handed a restraining order.

Derek Burchell, of Palmerston Road, Shanklin, appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates on Friday, May 31.

The 47-year-old admitted common assault in Shanklin, on January 16.

Prosecutor, Munayah Hussan, said Burchell and his victim – his wife – had been in a relationship between 2019 and 2023, and that relationship had ended.

She said Burchell visited the victim’s home after she texted him, shouting aggressively, putting his foot in the door and barging inside.

Ms Munayah said he came at her with a raised, closed fist, and that action caused the victim to fall back into a banister.

Burchell, representing himself, initially claimed he pleaded guilty to the offence because he wanted to get on with his life and didn’t actually commit the offence.

Following advice from the legal adviser, that he can’t plead guilty but claim not to be guilty, Burchell accepted it happened.

He said he hoped the victim could live a healthy, happy life, and that they wouldn’t cross each other’s paths again.

Burchell was made subject of a 12-month community order, to include ten rehabilitation days, and handed a 12-month restraining order.

He was fined £40 and ordered to pay costs of £85 and a £114 surcharge.