Fred Woodworth, Ventnor:

What is taking so long? Why has Lower Gills Cliff Road been closed for over three months, with no evident progress apart from clearing the rocks, rubble and vegetation?

We have been informed that specialist contractors are needed to secure the rock face. Where are they? Are they as scarce as dentists on the Isle of Wight?

I would have thought that, with our frequent geological problems, there must be resident experts aplenty — there’s plenty of work for them.

So the trees that were growing out of the rockface have been removed (why they were allowed to grow there, I can’t understand). Loose rock needs to be removed, and some kind of wire netting installed.

Yes, well, get on with it! If there is a question of responsibility, then get the work done and sort out that problem later.

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If the landowner had not been warned of the need to keep the rock face clear of vegetation, then he/she might not be entirely to blame.

Keeping the roads open is ultimately the responsibility of Isle of Wight Council, not Island Roads.

Lower Gills Cliff Road is the shortest, safest, alternative route from west Ventnor and St Lawrence to the east of the Island. Both St Lawrence Chute and Zig Zag Road are hazardous, narrow, two-way roads and the latter is becoming increasingly broken up due to traffic.

Continuing to allow parking along these roads presents further obstacles.

Once The Graben is closed, I see problems for delivery lorries and large vehicles trying to access Ventnor.

Why all this even needs to be said I can’t imagine!

Isle of Wight Council ... get your finger out and get this problem sorted! Now!