Labour Party hopeful for Isle of Wight West, Richard Quigley, is offering to pop into voters' homes for a cuppa, as part of his General Election campaign.

The Isle of Wight Labour Party wants to bring the discussion to voters, over "Tea with Rich" at kitchen tables across the constituency.

The Labour parliamentary candidate, and local councillor, said: “We know the big issues are housing, ferries and the NHS and dentistry, but there are a myriad of other issues we want to hear about. 

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"We are still doing traditional campaigning, but realise some people aren’t keen on big gatherings or simply can’t make it, so I will come to you.”

To arrange a tea and chat, email

Mr Quigley has outlined what he wants to achieve for the Island if elected.

He said: “For too long, our Island has felt like a poor cousin of the mainland. The situation has got worse over recent years, with cuts to council funding, ferry services in disarray and an NHS that only works if you don’t get ill."

His priorities are: Levelling up through improved and cheaper ferry services, using "talents we already have" to create more green jobs, education for all and improving SEND, ensuring all Islanders have a front door they can call their own, supporting an NHS that works, and backing police to "make us feel safe again".

Isle of Wight County Press: Richard QuigleyRichard Quigley (Image: Contributed)

Standing for election on the Isle of Wight:

In Isle of Wight West, parliamentary candidates standing are Green Party's Cameron Palin; Ian Pickering, Reform UK candidate; Richard Quigley, of Island Labour; Conservative Bob Seely; Liberal Democrat's Nick Stuart.

For Isle of Wight East, Emily Brothers is standing for Labour; Michael Lilley for the Lib Dems; Vix Lowthion for the Green Party; Sarah Morris for Reform UK and Joe Robertson for the Conservatives.