The Isle of Wight County Press has been bringing Islanders the news since 1884. We've delved into our archives.

124 years ago, in May 1900:
Captain Seely was returned to parliament as the Island's Liberal MP.

99 years ago, in May, 1925:
Letters from CP readers criticised the repairs to rural roads on the Island. Sharp, loose flints were thrown up by car tyres, causing extensive damage to vehicles.

Two peregrine falcons had returned once again to their eyrie above Dunnose Point, making life perilous for their favourite prey, racing pigeons.

A proposition to save the crumbling cliff path between Sandown and Shanklin by employing a series of groynes, was put before Sandown District Council.

74 years ago, in May 1950:

Wartime radio traitor Gerald Hewitt was released from Parkhurst Prison after serving a sentence for making broadcasts on behalf of the Germans from Berlin and Paris.

Yarmouth police went to the rescue of two runaway boys from London who telephoned them saying: "Please, we want to give ourselves up." They had run away that morning, and after spending the night in the care of the police, were put on a train home.

The previously large population of great spotted woodpeckers in Shanklin was diminishing, possibly because they had failed to recover from a series of harsh winters.

49 years ago, in May 1975:

The Newport eastern relief road (Medina Way) was opened by Rear-Admiral J. L. Blackham, amid hopes that it would finally bring relief to the congestion of Hunnyhill.

Sixteen-year-old Janet Rann was the latest member of the magical Randini family to be accepted into the International Brotherhood of Magicians. She had been assisting her father
John, since the age of nine.

34 years ago, in May 1990:

The Island welcomed some new residents of the equine variety when a herd of New Forest ponies arrived to graze Luccombe Down for the summer. The project was aimed at restoring the down to the healthy heathland that it once was.

Moves to provide an all-year market at Ryde were rejected by the county surveyor.

An ancient human skull was found embedded in the cliff face at Headon Warren, Totland.

Cllr Morris Barton was stepping up calls for a new, single Island Council and he claimed to be supported by individuals, businessmen and organisations from across the Island.

Special magistrates courts were convened to hear the many cases of those who were refusing to pay the new poll tax. Medina Borough Council was the first in England and Wales to issue
summonses to defaulters.