A drug dealer was caught by police after officers saw him dealing drugs through a car window outside an Isle of Wight Co-operative store, a court has heard.

Renan White, of Ranelagh Road, Sandown, appeared at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court on Friday, May 17.

He had previously pleaded guilty to possession of ketamine and intent to supply.

Court heard how, on January 19, outside the Co-op store on Landguard Road, Shanklin, White was caught by police exchanging drugs with someone in a car.

Liz Miller, prosecuting, said White tried to dispose of the drugs but they were retrieved and later found to be ketamine.

The vehicle was stopped and the occupants were found to be in possession of the same substance and cocaine, court heard.

Ms Miller said police found "clear evidence" of text messages being exchanged between White and someone in the vehicle, specifying a meeting location and confirming that the quantity should be two grams.

White's address was searched and drug paraphernalia was found.

Defending, Rachel Wigley, said of White "He accepts what he did was wrong and is remorseful."

Although he does occasionally use drugs for his personal use, Ms Wigley said White does not have a drug problem and made a poor choice of dealing a couple of grams to an acquaintance.

Magistrates sentenced White to four weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months.

He must pay £239 in costs.