AN ISLE of Wight cannabis smoker was caught by police just hours after buying the drugs.

Ziggy Lloyd, of Surbiton Grove, Ryde, appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates on Tuesday, May 14.

The 19-year-old admitted a single count of possession of cannabis, in Sandown, on April 28.

Prosecutor, Lauren Stone, said Lloyd was stopped and searched by police while they were on afternoon patrol.

A small amount of cannabis was found in his possession, consistent with personal use.

Barry Keel, defending, said Lloyd had no previous convictions and just a single conditional caution to his name.

He said he purchased the cannabis earlier in the day for £20 and smoked some of it.

The court heard he was diagnosed with autism, dyslexia and Asperger’s, and smoked cannabis to help him sleep.

Lloyd was handed a six-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay costs of £85 and a £26 surcharge.