Two years after a gravel extraction site was first proposed for Wootton, a new access route has been put forward.

Plans to extract sand and gravel at Palmers Farm, off rural Brocks Copse Road, near Alverstone, Wootton and Whippingham, were first mooted in early 2022.

An opposition group, WAGE (Wootton Against Gravel Extraction) sprung up almost immediately.

The ten year scheme would see 12.2 hectares of agricultural field set aside, with an additional 1.2 hectares used for temporary soil storage.

Isle of Wight County Press: On Palmers Road, WoottonOn Palmers Road, Wootton (Image: IWCP)

Isle of Wight County Press: Displayed on a fence in Palmers Road, WoottonDisplayed on a fence in Palmers Road, Wootton (Image: IWCP)

Sand and gravel would be transported to St George's Down for processing, with the original route proposed to get it there taking in Alverstone Road, the Racecourse roundabout, Lushington Hill, Station Road, Wootton and Briddlesford Road. 

Wight Building Materials argued its only alternative would be to import sand and gravel, and the operation would be sustainably managed and would protect around 40 local jobs.

Now, two years on, new addendums have been uploaded to the Isle of Wight Council website, and can be viewed on the planning portal.

It states: "The revised access route would be onto Palmers Road, to the south-east of the mineral extraction area. This would utilise the existing gateway, with the reduction of existing hedgerows down to 1m height for 25m either side of the access for visibility splays.

"A purpose-built mineral stocking and loading area would be set back c130m from the road and positioned wholly within Phase 4 of the mineral extraction area. Part of Palmers Road south of the site access would be levelled and tarmac surfaced."

Isle of Wight County Press: Palmers Road, WoottonPalmers Road, Wootton (Image: IWCP)

The document states that planning permission has been granted for residential development on 4.4ha land to the south of the proposed area of mineral extraction and prior approval has also been granted for new agricultural barns to the south of the site near to Brocks Copse Road.

The approved residential development includes for shared surfaced road improvements along part of Palmers Road.

In conclusion, it states: "Although the relocation of the site entrance onto Palmers Road would move HGV vehicle movements closer to residential properties on the western side of Wootton and recreational users of this area, the visual effects would be localised and limited by the relatively low traffic numbers."