An Isle of Wight childcare centre with "passionate" staff and an "ambitious" curriculum has been rated as 'good' by Ofsted.

Inspectors visited Furzehill Childcare Centre, at St Blasius Shanklin CE Primary Academy, Albert Road, Shanklin on April 3.

It was the first inspection since provider, LC Childcare Ltd and owner, Lucy Coleman took over in September 2021.

The report noted that children are greeted warmly by staff and there are no problems with them leaving their parents or carers.

"Children develop good friendship groups and enjoy each other's company. For instance, they sit in the cosy area where they enjoy looking at books together," inspectors said.

"Staff support children to learn to listen, take turns, and share."

Also noted in the findings was staff's 'proactive' approach to supporting children's literacy skills, love of books and helping them to develop an understanding of the community.

"For example, children frequently visit a local care home and spend time taking part in activities with the elderly residents," the report said.

One area of improvement was to review and strengthen the deployment of staff, especially during busy times.

Commenting on the report, Lucy Coleman said she was "absolutely delighted".

She said: "The report is one of the best that I have read, I am so proud of the wonderful comments that have been made about our provision.

"This was also the first Ofsted experience for many of our team and every single one them performed exceptionally well and demonstrated their passion and commitment to the setting.

"They were and are an absolute inspiration and I am incredibly proud of them all."