Sandown-based software development firm ICRTouch has donated £2,000 to Isle of Wight charity, Sophie's Legacy.

The charity was established in honour of Sophie Fairall, who died from cancer in 2021. It was during her hospital stay that Sophie composed a bucket list, with the objective of enhancing hospital conditions for children and their families.

Key areas included better food for patients and the provision of play specialists for children.

The benevolent contribution from ICRTouch is earmarked for Sophie's Saturday Night Suppers, an initiative delivering pizzas to families in St Mary’s Hospital in Newport.

In addition, snack boxes are set to be placed in every parent room and kitchen. 

Hannah Stevens, operations manager at Sophie’s Legacy said: "We would like to say a HUGE thank you to ICRTouch for their incredibly generous donation.

"We have so many families struggling at the moment and this donation helps us to really make a difference when they have no one else to turn to.

"Quite often, children unexpectedly end up in hospital and parents have no access to food. Being able to grab a much needed snack or receiving a pizza on a Saturday night means the world to families in hospital."