Toby Wallis, Ryde:

I recently went to Gretna Green to celebrate my son’s wedding.

When planning my visit, I naturally investigated transport options and costs.

To my astonishment, the car ferry crossing from Fishbourne to Portsmouth, at £171, was significantly more expensive than the train fare from Portsmouth to Gretna Green (£134).

It was therefore going to cost me more to travel by car just because of the ferry fare, even before petrol costs!

Yes, it was the early May bank holiday weekend, so Wightlink had increased their prices. But the train fare didn’t change.

What gives the ferry companies the right to load prices at times of high demand, and in any case, why should this impact Island residents leaving the Island?

It’s understandable that Islanders feel exploited, and no doubt we shall have some serious questions on these matters to put to our aspiring MPs at the forthcoming election.