AN ISLE of Wight man who harassed his estranged wife and shouted at a member of the public, mistaking them for someone else, has been handed a restraining order.

Dean Brett, of Priory Drive, Nettlestone, appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates on Friday, April 10.

The 47-year-old admitted harassment without violence and a public order offence, between November 6 and 14 of last year.

Prosecutor, Lauren Stone, said Brett harassed his former partner, the mother of his children, sending her abusive messages.

She said he also shouted abuse at a woman in Nettlestone while there were children in the car, mistaking her for someone else.

Of the harassment charge, the victim said his messages were aimed at getting a reaction out of her and the constant correspondence was impacting on her life.

Lucy Linington, defending, said Brett struggled immensely with the breakdown of his marriage four years ago. It left him struggling with his mental health.

Ms Linington said Brett accepted the way he behaved was unacceptable.

Brett was fined £389 and made subject of a nine-month community order, to include ten rehabilitation days.

He was also handed a 12-month restraining order and ordered to pay costs of £85 and a £114 surcharge.