A "violent and aggressive" Isle of Wight woman laughed in the dock as she was sentenced for drunkenly assaulting a police officer who was "just doing their job".

Amy Beer, of Newport Road, Cowes appeared at the Isle of Wight Crown Court on Friday, May 10.

On March 18, the 23-year-old previously pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker.

Prosecuting, Nick Mather, said police attended Beer's address in the early hours of January 13.

He said Beer, who had been drinking with a friend, was in the street and officers tried to get her back into her flat.

At around 3.15am, she lunged at them, saying she wanted to smash one of them in the face.

In a drunken, "violent" state, Mr Mather said she proceeded to punch an officer in the chest and tried to kick him. The officer did not suffer an injuries, court heard.

Even though she had no weapon, she told the officers "you are going to get knifed" and made suggestions that they were attempting to rape her, court heard.

In a police interview, Beer laughed when she was shown the body worn footage and answered "no comment".

She was also reprimanded for laughing in the dock.

Defending, Berenice Mulvanny, said the offence was clearly "unpleasant" and the officers dealt with the incident "extremely well".

Ms Mulvanny said the police could recognise that Beer was extremely vulnerable, being usually the most "meek and mild" person.

On the night in question, she "hit rock bottom" due to a personal matter and made the wrong choice to go drinking with her friend.

She said she has not had a drink since the day and was not laughing because she found it funny, but because she is nervous and anxious.

Recorder Malcolm Gibney said Beer, who has four previous convictions for six offences, has history of drug use and had showed "despicable" behaviour for "no reason whatsoever".

"The officers were just trying to do their job", he said.

Beer was handed a 12 month community order and drug rehabilitation sessions.

She was also given a 12 week curfew, between 7.30pm and 7.30am.