Douglas Cox, retired East Cowes Fire Station member:

Dear Editor,

Reading the article in this weeks County Press regarding the closure of East Cowes Fire Station, leads me into writing this letter to you. 

The County Press article in question

Read more: Isle of Wight fire station to close 'within hours' claim

I retired from serving at East Cowes Fire Station after 30 years unbroken service in 2023.  

Ten years prior to this, I clearly remember holes being drilled in to the appliance bay floor, and many tons of concrete was pumped into them in an attempt to stabilise the subsidence. 

At the same time, strain gauges were put over cracks around the station to measure movement.

To hear today that East Cowes has been left without prompt emergency cover, is totally unacceptable, when the problem was known at least 30 years ago.  

Relying on Ryde and Newport Fire Stations to provide cover is sheer madness. 

We all know all too well just how congested our roads have become. The thought of a serious RTA where people are trapped, is so worrying.   

A temporary location for the fire station must be sorted soon.

I’m sure I speak for many when I say, we the residents of East Cowes demand this.