A homeless Isle of Wight woman has been fined after she stole two bottles of rum and breached a police dispersal order. 

Zoe Davies, of no fixed abode, attended the Isle of Wight Magistrates’ Court on Friday, May 10, and pleaded guilty to theft from a shop and failing to comply with a S35 Dispersal Order.

Lauren Stone, prosecuting, said a police officer recognised the 42-year-old while on patrol in Church Litten on May 9 and was aware she was subject to a S35 Dispersal Order in the area.

The officer approached Davies, and she volunteered the information that she had stolen two bottles of rum, worth £7.95 each from Lidl. 

Davies has 12 previous convictions for 18 offences. 

Oscar Vincent, defending, said his vulnerable client was not interviewed by police until late on May 9 and was remanded into custody for her own protection due to it being the middle of the night. 

The court heard that Davies presented herself as homeless to County Hall, and the council gave her a tent – which, with no money, she had no choice but to pitch within the S35 zone. 

Mr Vincent told the court one of the bottles his client stole from Lidl was still sealed and was returned to the shop.

Davies was ordered to pay a £40 fine, £16 surcharge and £7.95 compensation to Lidl.