An Isle of Wight paedophile uploaded and swapped hundreds of sex abuse images of children over Instagram and messaging app Telegram, and has now been put behind bars.

Appearing at the Isle of Wight Crown Court on May 10, Karl Kimber, of High Street, Ryde, was jailed for five child sex offences.

Between January 2, 2022 to October 22, the 46-year-old made 416 category A, 278 category B and 449 category C indecent images of children.

He also admitted being in possession of 132 prohibited images of children and, between August 2022 to October 2022, distributing multiple images of children.

Nick Mather, prosecuting, said six separate reports were made to police about an Instagram account being used to upload child sex abuse images.

Further investigation found Kimber was also using messenger app Telegram to swap child sex abuse images with others "who have an interest in this type of material."

Acting on the reports, police visited Kimber's home and seized a number of his devices, with indecent images found on three of them, Mr Mather said.

These included both moving and still images, court heard.

In his first police interview Kimber answered no comment, before going on to deny all knowledge.

Court heard how Kimber was previously sentenced to six months in prison for sexual assault in July 2020.

Defending, Berenice Mulvanny, said his recent offending was "extremely unsavoury" but said her client was seeking help.

She said he has mental health issues and there were concerns over how he would cope in custody.

Kimber had previously tried to say he was not a paedophile, but was in fact a paedophile hunter, Recorder Malcolm Gibney said.

He said: "That is complete fantasy and a denial of what you are".

The recorder called the offending "ghastly" and although he noted Kimber's mental health concerns, he said he has a duty to protect the public.

Kimber was handed a 12 month prison sentence.