Tributes have been paid to gardener and horticulturalist, Ed Hinch, who worked in the gardens at the National Trust's Mottistone for over 27 years, and whose skills were described as 'outstanding.'

Aged 54, he died in March, and a funeral service was held in his memory last month.

At the service, Ed was described as someone who always gave 'way over and above what the role required of him,' living just yards from the manor and its estate and making it his vocation.

Family and friends were were told Ed transformed the gardens, maintaining them to 'an exceptional standard'.

Mottistone's gardens have won awards and been recognised by both Wight in Bloom and by the National Trust.

Isle of Wight County Press: Ed Hinch's vocation was gardening at Mottistone, said friendsEd Hinch's vocation was gardening at Mottistone, said friends (Image: ©National Trust Images/John Millar)

"Ed was our strongest volunteer manager. He had the largest single team of volunteers on the Island and enabled everyone who joined him to make the most of their knowledge and abilities.

"We heard someone remark that Ed had ’changed their life’ through volunteering with him.

"He would eat cake and drink ‘pints’ of tea or coffee, whilst also making sure his work and tasks were undertaken in a timely and appropriate manner.

"He cared passionately about his team," the eulogy read.

"Ed was exceptionally knowledgeable.

"His loss is immeasurable, but his legacy will live on in Mottistone Gardens."