I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the Isle of Wight's new Youth MP, Aydin Gumus. 

Aydin is a high achieving Year 10 student who studies at Sandown Bay Academy. 

Aydin enjoys helping and tutoring other students, performing arts, and comedy in his spare time. 

Aydin has the honour of being elected to voice the opinions of the young people on the Island.

As a youth MP Aydin explained he has three main roles. To represent young people of the Island at the Houses of Parliament, to work with the Isle of Wight Youth Council and to work with the aims he promised while campaigning.

Aydin’s three main aims being more job opportunities for young people, relaxed school uniforms and improved safety on the Island. 

Aydin’s primary ambition is to amplify the voices of young individuals on the Isle of Wight.

He said: “One of my favourite things which hasn't been used in the past so much by youth MPs, is social media.

"I've been doing lots of Instagram lives, Tiktoks, WhatsApp channels and just all forms of social media. 

"The chair of the youth council, Lianne, has also been pushing for the use of social media, so that is the main way that I hope to incorporate not only my school, but other schools across the Island too.”

Aydin is committed to ensuring that ‘Every youth on the Island know how politics work, and at least have the opportunity to be involved if they would like to’.

“I want to make the Island safer, in particular vaping. I know that's quite a big thing, that's one of the things that I'm looking into at the moment. 

"Obviously school uniform, but I think one that is most interesting, is more work experience opportunities for young people, giving them more opportunity to actually go into their hopeful careers, and have a go at different experiences. “He has been emailing Island businesses to see if they're happy to offer a limited number of spaces for young people for work experience or opportunities.

Aydin said the relaxing of school uniforms is his most popular aim with the youth population.  To get this actioned he is considering starting a petition, and he also said it would be helpful for students to engage feelings about uniforms with their teachers.

Aydin will be the Island's youth MP until 2026 when someone new will be elected.

He said: “I don't plan on running for re-election because I believe that everyone should have the chance to do this job.” 

If you would like to support Aydin, visit www.linktr.ee/aydingumusofficial