A FOOTBALLER who played for the Isle of Wight Island Games team has appeared before Island magistrates to deny stealing Grenade protein shakes from Tesco and attacking a store manager.

UPDATE: The case has been dismissed through lack of evidence.

At the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court this morning (Friday), Jake Scrimshaw of Argyll Street, Ryde pleaded not guilty to two charges of shoplifting goods, totalling at least £98.95, from Tesco in Ryde on February 15 and 19.

The striker also denied common assault, on February 19.  

The first of his alleged offences happened six days after signing for Poole Town, which plays in the Southern League Premier South.

The footballer was the Isle of Wight's top scorer at the 2023 Guernsey Island Games.

The 23-year-old, who chose a trial by a jury, was bailed to reappear for a plea and trial preparation hearing at the Isle of Wight Crown Court, on July 20.