A second weather warning has been issued for the Isle of Wight and we are told to expect strong winds overnight on Tuesday, easing into the afternoon.

Local forecaster, IW Met Service, says gusts could reach from 50mph widely to 70mph on higher ground, although it says the bad weather could move south and miss us altogether.

Winds will be at their worst between 1am and 1pm, on April 9.

Meanwhile, a flood alert for the Isle of Wight remains in force and has been updated.

Isle of Wight County Press: The Met Office weather warning areaThe Met Office weather warning area (Image: Met Office)

Isle of Wight County Press:

Tonight's (Sunday) tide, at 11.15pm, will be higher than normal, the Environment Agency says.

At Cowes, the total forecast tide is 4.78 metres.

The alert says for one hour, either side of high water, 'very minor impact flooding' will affect some sea front roads, esplanades and car parks across the Island.

Water will be high up slipways in Cowes, affecting Medina Road and the Floating Bridge.

In East Cowes, sea water forced up through drains may cause very minor impacts at Albany Road.

Then in the early hours of Tuesday morning, a further high tide and some flooding is expected, with more Environment Agency advice to follow tomorrow.