A MAN has been jailed for four years after he raped a woman on the Isle of Wight.

Louis Fletcher assaulted the woman at an address in Ryde on March 15, 2021, after she had repeatedly made it clear she did not want to have sex with him.

A lengthy investigation was launched by police, with officers obtaining text messages between Fletcher and the victim after the attack.

"Fletcher indicated he understood at the time the woman had not consented," a police spokesperson said.

Fletcher, formerly of Cheltenham Road, Paulsgrove, was charged with rape in December 2021, but continued to deny the offence.

Have you been a victim of sexual assault or rape?

If you’ve been a victim of a sexual offence, you can call police on 101 and speak to an officer in confidence.

The police say they appreciate not everyone is ready to speak to them about what has happened to them. There are support services, completely independent of the police, which can help you if you need support.

Visit the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary website for more information on where to seek independent support in your area.

The case went to trial at the Isle of Wight Crown Court on August 21 last year, with the jury finding him guilty of rape three days' later.

Appearing at Winchester Crown Court yesterday (Monday), Fletcher was imprisoned and made subject to the Sex Offenders' Register indefinitely.

One of the police investigators in the case, Det Const Graham Skull, said: “I want to commend the woman for having the courage to report this to police — and for the bravery she has continued to show throughout the investigation and court process.

“There was evidence in this case which highlighted Fletcher was aware the woman was not consenting.

"Despite this, he continued with his sexual advances, which culminated in him raping the woman.

“This behaviour is appalling and has a long-lasting impact on survivors. Fletcher will now spend a number of years in prison.

"I hope this result reassures those affected by sexual abuse that we take these allegations very seriously, and will do everything in our power to support victims and take action against perpetrators.”