A SEXUAL predator who abducted a woman at an Isle of Wight park has appeared again before a crown court judge to learn his fate after flouting a court order. 

Ian Willett, of no fixed address, had been released from prison on licence on January 4, but had failed to register with the police on January 6, as part of requirements in accordance with the Sex Offenders' Register.

He was jailed in 2021 after he attacked a woman in Church Litten park, Newport — an incident reported exclusively by the County Press at the time.

The 25-year-old, who admitted failing to comply with the notification requirements of the Sex Offenders’ Register on January 12, was sentenced at Portsmouth Crown Court last Friday (February 2). 

Willett was spared an immediate return to jail, with the judge handing him 18 months' probation, with a £75 fine and a £114 surcharge, but no costs due to his means.

At a previous hearing, Willett was deemed a risk to women, with CCTV footage shown of him pulling his victim off a seat at the bus stop and attempting to drag her into the park.

Willett was subsequently jailed for 40 months.

In 2022, Willett went missing while on licence and was found on the Island following a police appeal.