A new Isle of Wight off-licence and shop could open inside a familiar building on a busy road, following the closure of Island Computer Systems.

A Premier Stores branch is planned for Horsebridge Hill, near Newport.

A licensing application, including for a 'beer cave', has been submitted to the Isle of Wight Council, by Mr Subramaniam.

The premises would open 6am to 11pm, seven days a week and the licence, if granted, would start on February 12.

As part of the licence, employees would operate a 'Challenge 25' policy and would also receive training on selling alcohol, the documents say.

A CCTV system could be installed and signs would urge customers not to disturb local residents as they come and go at the shop, which would sit on the main road between Cowes and Newport.

A planning application has not yet been submitted for any changes to the building.

View the licensing plans, 24/00044/LAPNEW, on the Isle of Wight Council's licensing register. Comments can be submitted until February 12.

In November, after 43 years, Island Computer Systems announced it would be moving online and closed its shop, leaving the property empty.