A predator who abducted a woman at Church Little Park in 2020 is again behind bars.

Ian Willett had been back out on the streets but failed to notify police of his whereabouts in accordance with his Sex Offenders' Register requirements.

He had been released from prison on January 4 and failed to register in with police on January 6 as per his order.

He was arrested and charged with failing to comply with notification requirements and has been remanded in custody until he is sentenced again on February 2, after admitting to the offence at Southampton Magistrates' Court.

Willett was jailed in 2021 after the 2020 Church Litten attack, which was reported exclusively by the County Press at the time.

The court heard he was a risk to women, and was shown CCTV footage of him pulling his victim off a seat at the bus stop and attempting to drag her into the park.

Police praised his victim for her bravery and Willett was jailed for 40 months.

In 2022, he went missing while on licence and was found on the Island following a police appeal.

Acting Detective Inspector Mark Edis said at the time: “We are very grateful to the local community who supported our efforts to locate Willett after he absconded. It is because of information from the community that we were able to find and arrest him so quickly, within a few hours of a wanted appeal being issued."

Willett, 26, is currently of no fixed address.

His sentencing will take place at the Isle of Wight Crown Court.