An Isle of Wight sex offender who breached a court order by failing to register online accounts and devices with police has been spared jail.

Reece Guerin, of Swan Street, Newport, appeared at the Isle of Wight Crown Court for sentencing yesterday (Wednesday).

The 27-year-old had previously denied three counts of breaching a sexual harm prevention order, and two counts of failing to comply with the notification requirements of the Sex Offenders’ Register.

He changed his plea at a hearing on September 12.

Today, the court heard how he failed to register his Instagram account, his Xbox console and gamer tag, two memory sticks and his passport.

The offences occurred between February 12 and April 7.

Defending, Tim Devlin, said the reason Guerin, who has one previous offence, initially denied the charges was because of advice from his lawyer at the time.

He said the breaches were committed in a short space of time and there was "very little harm done" as a result.

Judge Michael Bowes said the breaches were "a long way" from being deliberate.

He said: "I'm satisfied this isn't the beginning of you going back to further offending."

Guerin was given a 12 month community order, to run concurrently with his existing three year order.

He will also have to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.