'Wear and tear' on the Isle of Wight's Floating Bridge means the troubled vessel will once again be withdrawn from service next week.

Starting from Monday (December 4), the chain ferry will be out of action for 10 days.

The Isle of Wight Council has said 'preventative' works need to undertaken.

It said a significant amount of wear and tear was found to have occurred to the chain segments, several guidewheels and the prow bushes.

A spokesperson for the council said: "It is likely that some of this deterioration is due to the recent exceptional tides and stormy weather.

"As a precaution and to avoid a potential total breakdown of the parts, works to carry out rectification of the wear and tear are to be undertaken sooner, rather than later."

The 'wear and tear' was discovered while the Floating Bridge was out of service last week.

On that occasion, the chain ferry was pulled from service due to debris in the chain pits.

Next week's works mean it will be suspended until Wednesday, December 13.

The council said 'it is envisaged' that these works will reduce downtime in March 2024. 

A launch service will be in place for foot passengers and cyclists.