Storms Babet and Ciaran forced the cancellation of face-to-face information sessions on proposals to protect Yaverland from flooding and erosion, which means there will now be just one alternative local date before the end of the consultation.

The Environment Agency and the Isle of Wight Council were due to hold events at the Wildheart Animal Sanctuary and The Broadway Centre, from October 25-27.

Bad weather meant the public sessions were scrapped.

Those who want to see more and ask questions in person will now need to visit Dinosaur Isle's  Blast from the Past, on November 18 and 19.

In Yaverland and Sandown, work could include everything from doing nothing to patch and repair, through to raising the flood defence wall and refurbishing existing defences.

Protection could cover everything from the present, through to the short term and long term future.

How can I have my say on the flood defence proposals online?

The Environment Agency says its proposals will make the areas more resilient to climate change, better protecting over 500 properties in Yaverland and Sandown, as well as key infrastructure, local businesses, heritage assets and designated sites from the risk of flooding and coastal erosion.

When are flood defence consultation sessions taking place in Shanklin?

Further along the Isle of Wight coast, Shanklin will host public consultation sessions this week.

From tomorrow (Wednesday, November 7) until Friday, November 10, they will take place at The Clifton, 1 Queens Road.

The sessions will run from 2pm-7pm tomorrow and from 10am-3pm on Thursday and Friday. 

In Shanklin, there are plans to protect approximately 84 properties and 37 businesses from the risk of flooding and coastal erosion.   

Emily Webster, Environment Agency project lead, said:  “There is an increasing risk of flooding and coastal erosion for the communities in Yaverland, Sandown and Shanklin. The sea wall and groynes are deteriorating, sea level is predicted to rise and storm events will become more extreme, due to climate change.  

“The responses we get will be very important because they will help us choose the best design for restoring the current flood defences”.   

Hard copies of the consultation are available in local libraries and at the Isle of Wight Council's building in Newport.   

The consultation closes on December 1.