Southern Water says the level of ammonia in flood water brought by October's storms was 'extremely low', adding it carries out routine tests.

In this case there was dilution from 'significant rainfall,' it said.

A spokesperson said: "Unfortunately, a small number of properties and businesses experienced external flooding and an even smaller number were flooded internally.

"All customers experiencing internal flooding were quickly visited by our critical response teams and a thorough clean-up was carried out."

However, Ryde resident Colin Armitt, whose house flooded while he was on holiday, said his property had not been visited by Southern Water.

He feared the deluge had involved 'black water', which he said is highly contaminated.

The decomposition of nitrogen-containing organic matter in domestic sewage, as well as in other sources, can create ammonia.

It is understood at least twelve families had to be rehoused.

Read more of the County Press's flood coverage across the Island here:

Southern Water says it is continuing to work sclosely with partner agencies to investigate all flooding incidents on a case-by-case basis.

Apologising, it said its sewers were overwhelmed by 'exceptional' rainfall and surface water which led to flash flooding on Wednesday, October 25.

The firm said it was aware of how distressing flooding can be and explained the extremely heavy rain made operations at its waste water pumping stations and water supply works "much more difficult than normal."