A DRUG addict caught with several bags of cocaine in his BMW at a Morrison's supermarket car park on the Isle of Wight, appeared before Island magistrates. 

Barry Pownall, of Kensington Avenue, Oldham, admitted possessing cocaine in Lake on August 19 last year, when he appeared by video link at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court.

Police on patrol in Lake stopped Pownall in Morrison's car park and did a search of his vehicle under drugs search powers. 

They discovered nine 'deal' bags containing white powder and he was arrested, said Liz Miller, prosecuting.

Tests carried out on the drugs seized revealed it was cocaine.

In 2016, Pownall was convicted of possessing class A drugs and causing an affray in Brisbane, Australia, for which he was imprisoned for three months.

For Pownall, Jim Osborne said Pownall had a prolific drug habit which had lasted several years — but now realises it has ruined his life and will soon be going into drug rehab so he can "get back on the straight and narrow".

"He knows he needs to get off drugs before it's too late," Mr Osborne added.

Jobless Pownall was fined £120, with £85 costs and a £48 surcharge.