What is believed to be a Portuguese Man o' War — or a 'floating terror', as they are otherwise known — has been found washed up on an Isle of Wight beach.

Islander Lisa Bailey Mason made the discovery on the stretch of beach between Grange Chine and Chilton Chine yesterday afternoon (Monday).

The tide had gone out and Lisa and her son were litter picking at the time, she said.

She said it was about 25cm long and and bright blue tentacles. 

"I used a piece of wood to move it to the rocks at the cliff edge.

"I took a photo before moving as didn't know what type it was and posted it on social media to confirm", she said.

Have you spotted a Portuguese Man o' War on the Island?

Send your pictures — and tell us where you've seen it — to editor@iwcp.co.uk.

Portuguese Man o' Wars are rarely deadly to people but their sting can be painful, and can cause welts on exposed skin.

They can still sting weeks after washing ashore.

They are rare to UK waters but if they are spotted, it is usually between the months of September to December.

One was also spotted on the Island back in April, as the County Press reported.

Recent sightings have been made in Cornwall and Dorset waters.

The creatures pose a danger to dogs and walkers are urged to steer clear of them.