Throughout this month, many Islanders have been feeling the effects of an 'unknown' insect bite, causing significant swelling and leaving some people requiring medical treatment.

Many in the Island community have theorised on social media what has caused these particularly nasty bites, ranging from mosquitoes, spiders and horseflies. 

Public Health England is also unsure, telling the County Press it is ‘not able to ascertain the type of insects causing the bites’, as it is not able to assess them clinically. 

Mosquitoes appear to be the leading theory, with a spokesperson saying: “Where mosquitoes are involved, the recent rain followed by spells of warm, sunny weather would have provided ideal conditions for mosquitoes to reproduce. 

“Only female mosquitoes bite people, and they need to do this to produce eggs.”

Local naturalist Matthew Chatfield said: “At this time of year, many insects and spiders reach maturity and mosquitoes, particularly, are inclined to bite, which is what they do when they are breeding. 

“After a few cold nights, they usually perish, and we can expose our skin with impunity.” 

The CP asked Matthew what is the best way to catch mosquitos that come indoors.

He continued: “The long-legged cellar spider or daddy-long legs (Pholcus phalangioides) is an excellent mosquito catcher, and so you might consider leaving these harmless predators and their webs to hang around for a few weeks indoors and do a bit of natural pest control.” 

There are some simple precautions you can take to reduce your risk of being bitten by insects.

Public Health England suggests:

  • Cover exposed skin by wearing long sleeves and trousers.
  • Wear shoes when outdoors.
  • Apply insect repellent to exposed skin – repellents that contain 50% DEET (diethyltoluamide) are most effective.
  • Avoid using products with strong perfumes, such as soaps, shampoos and deodorants – these can attract insects.
  • Be careful around flowering plants, rubbish, compost, stagnant water, and outdoor areas where food is served.
  • Get rid of standing water around your house and garden.
  • Repair any tears in the screens on windows, doors and camping gear.