Most of the cadets on the UKSA's superyacht course on the Isle of Wight, which started this month, are getting funding.

The Cowes-based organisation's charity arm has provided over half the cash towards course fees - an average of £12,000 - enabling students from all backgrounds to take part in its flagship maritime training programme.

Available to those aged 18-25, the structured four-year programme has seen 42 students start this month, an increase of 13 per cent on 2022.

James Potipher, cadetship manager at UKSA, thanked sponsors from Edmiston, The Seafarers’ Charity, TK Foundation, Trinity House and Olesinski, with additional funding from the Noel Lister Memorial Fund, Milo Hanlon Fund, Stephen Thomas Bursary and the Will Black Fund.

He said: "We are committed to making careers in maritime as accessible as possible and removing any barriers to those who wish to pursue a career in the industry is something we will continue to encourage and enable."

The course is delivered over five phases, and students also have the opportunity to undertake a foundation degree, awarded by the University of Plymouth.