An Isle of Wight project which will see oysters put in the Solent has had to be postponed due to the sea being 'too warm'.

UKSA, in partnership with the Blue Marine Foundation, plans to hang baskets of the 'ecosystem engineers' in the water beneath its pontoons.

The aim is to aid the restoration with breeding and growing of oysters in high densities.

The release was planned for Wednesday (13). However, it has had to be pushed back for a few weeks.

UKSA has said although the Solent is only one degree hotter than usual, there is a big difference in the temperature of water here compared to where the oysters are currently living now.

For example, in Scotland, where some of the oysters are from, the temperature of the water is 12 degrees colder, a spokesperson said.

It means the oysters won’t be able to acclimatise.

It is hoped the introduction of oysters will facilitate the release of millions of larvae into the Solent, while also providing refuge for other marine life including endangered European eels, young seahorse and sea bass.

Research shows oysters provide a range of benefits to the environment and people such as improving water quality, with a single oyster able to filter up to 200 litres of water every day.

They also act as a natural defence to coastal erosion.