A no-confidence motion in the Isle of Wight Council's leader has been submitted just a month and two days after something similar was dropped from the agenda at County Hall.

Now, a vote will be forced by councillors hoping to overturn the current leader, who heads up a group of independent and Green Party councillors, under the Alliance banner.

Supported by 20 councillors, today's motion calls for Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox to be replaced by Conservative group leader, Cllr Suzie Ellis.

In July, when Cllr Ellis succeeded as Conservative group leader, she withdrew support for a motion of no confidence.

It had been lodged by the Empowering Islanders group - made up of three former Alliance group members and a Conservative.

At that time, Cllr Ellis, who took over from Cllr Joe Robertson when he was named Conservative parliamentary candidate for the next general election, said it did not reflect the approach she would be taking.

Conservative councillors were unanimously behind her, the County Press previously reported.

Now, in a statement, Councillor Ellis said: "This motion will be considered at the full council meeting of Wednesday, September 20.

"I believe Lora has worked very hard for the Island and has discharged her duties with the best interests of the Island in mind - therefore this motion is not a reflection on her as an individual.

"It is about the need for the Council to have leadership which is prepared to make the right - and sometimes difficult - decisions in a timely manner, and which can command the support of a wider set of members across the council chamber."

It follows an apology over the way education decisions have made in recent months.

In July, Cllr Ellis said she was not seeking to be council leader, but she did not rule it out 'in the future.'

An agenda will be published on September 12, when more details are expected.