Last weekend, long distance walkers took on a gruelling challenge - to walk 106km around the Isle of Wight, for their individual charities.

They set off from Chale, walking a circular route, taking in Freshwater, Ryde, Newport and Bembridge among stops and checkpoints, along the way.

Among the group of ultra-fit challengers were two animal care assistants from RSPCA Isle of Wight, who set off from the start line, on April 29.

While Hannah Allen-Western had to pull out at the halfway point, her colleague Vanessa Cox was pictured along the way, including at the 82km mark, on Culver Down.

The pair have raised more than £1,400 for the Isle of Wight RSPCA, under banner, Team Furever Pawsome.

Raising more than £1,800, the CEO of Prostate Cancer UK, Laura Kerby, travelled from Stroud, Gloucestershire, accompanied by her team, The Cheeserollers.

The cash donated, thanks to their efforts, will go to the UK's largest men's health charity.

Isle of Wight County Press: Steven Turner, at Culver Down.Steven Turner, at Culver Down. (Image: Steven Turner.)

Steven Turner walked 82.8k, before retiring from the challenge, at the top of Culver Down.

He was raising money for the charity Target Ovarian Cancer, after loosing his wife to the condition in September 2022.

He warned a stage four diagnosis is all too common, because its symptoms are subtle.

Theh charity aims to raise awareness of the symptoms among both patients and their doctors.

Meanwhile, Penny Langborne was hoping to walk the Ultra challenge for Mountbatten, in memory of her dad, Dr John Smith.

However, she was been forced to pull out of the 65 mile route, due to a family emergency.

She told the Isle of Wight County Press she was astounded by the generosity of her supporters and plans to undertake the walk as soon as possible, starting at night and finishing in a day, so those who have donated to her cause can choose to join her at the finish line.

Do you fancy taking on this challenge next year? The 2024 Ultra challenge will take place on May 5 and 6 and registration opens soon.