This is a letter I have sent to Wightlink.

Just a quick note to say thank you for another totally unjustified price hike for the half-term holidays on the Isle of Wight ferry routes.

Like many users of your service, I am not going on holiday this week and am simply trying to make a living, which I do by travelling to the mainland once or twice a week with my van.

Can you please explain why you continue to raise prices at every opportunity, e.g. any event that may increase demand, and reward those who have to suffer this increase with no increase in sailings and a pathetic level of service that does not meet demand even during non high demand periods?

Read more:

Please don’t reply (if you do!) with that old gem that we choose to live on the Island as this simply doesn’t wash these days.

Finally, good luck with your ongoing recruitment for supporters of a fixed link.
Wake up and smell your expensive coffee!
PS: You too, Red Funnel if you are reading this and feeling smug!

Read more letters sent to the County Press here. Do you have a view on this or any other subject? Send us a letter to