The government insists it is working at 'breakneck speed' to provide money off the energy bills of Isle of Wight park home owners, but the County Press has been told those still waiting for their payments - four months after the scheme was introduced - do not feel the process is moving fast enough.

The energy bills support scheme is a discount of £400 (paid over six months) for anyone who foots the cost of their gas and electricity.

It was introduced in a bid to offset the inflated cost of heating and power this winter.

For many of us, payments of around £65 each time have been automatic - monthly, arriving in the form of a refund to our bank account, or a voucher against a pre-payment meter.

However, for a handful of people, the process is different.

There are separate rules for those whose rent is inclusive of bills, for instance.

Meanwhile, Islanders who live in park homes are still waiting for their cash.

For them, the opportunity to even apply has not yet been made available.

Alison May, who lives near East Cowes, said: "We feel like we are being penalised.

"Not everyone who lives in a park home is retired and eligible for other support."

Do you live in a park home? What is your experience of trying to get your £400 energy support payment?

Alison and her neighbours were told to look for an online link, through which they could apply for their discount, from January 23.

However, that date was put back and it is currently due to go live at the end of this month (February).

For most of us, payments started in October and will end next month (March).

Isle of Wight County Press:

Struggling with energy payments?

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy insists it is doing all it can.

It said: "We are working hard to deliver support to a wide variety of eligible groups who have different energy arrangements at breakneck speed – any suggestion otherwise is simply not true.   

"The Energy Bills Support Scheme discount is going to an unprecedented 29 million households, and has been designed to support eligible groups while ensuring public money is well spent." 

Those who need to apply include people sharing their electricity supply, those with a non-domestic electricity connection and people who do not have a contract with an electricity supplier.