RYDE residents may be in for a shock when they open their council tax bill.

The precept could go up by nearly ten per cent.

Papers have been released by Ryde Town Council (RTC) ahead of its crunch meeting on Monday (January 30) setting out how the town's money could be spent.

The recommended option for councillors to consider would see the average Band C resident pay £12.70 more a year — jumping from £134.94 to £147.64 — a 9.4 per cent increase.

The proposals include contributions to summer events held in the town, Isle of Wight Pride and South Islands Seven sports tournament and an increase in allotment fees.

It also takes into account the added inflationary pressures.

In a report from RTC's finance officer, the cost of living crisis was recognised but says "the most effective recovery will come from direct investment in our community."

As a result, the council is looking to increase its precept — the money it asks the Isle of Wight Council for and is collected from residents — from £1,258,270 to £1,384,098, another £125,828 more.

It is the only town, parish or community council on the Island to ask its residents for more than a million pounds.

Newport and Carisbrooke, the second largest area behind Ryde, last year set its precept and asked residents for £729,767.

A 'Community Development Role' could also be funded for £30,000, which aims RTC says, to help the whole community bring about positive social change; improvement to their area and promote groups.

RTC could take over the financial support of Ryde Help Centre, based in Ryde Library, from the Isle of Wight Council for £16,000 a year.

A further £24,500 could be added to the public conveniences budget due to inflation but mostly to fund future repairs to the toilets as vandalism has increased.

To try to stop the damage, RTC is investigating whether to introduce a fee to use the toilets.

Another £10,000 has been added to the decorative lighting budget.

To make savings, the budget for Ryde skatepark could be cut from £15,000 to £7,500.

The precept for Ryde residents increased by 2.5 per cent last year.

The final decision will be made by councillors on Monday.