A NATIONAL supermarket store on the Isle of Wight is looking to permanently change the time its lorries can deliver goods — to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Sainsbury's, on Foxes Road, Newport, has been having goods delivered to the store at all hours in the last two years, firstly due to the Covid pandemic and then followed by a 12-month trial run, approved by the Isle of Wight Council.

If permission is not given, the store will have to revert back to its original hours of delivery, granted in 2011, by the end of January.

This allows deliveries between 5:30am and 11:30pm Monday to Saturday and between 8am and 11pm on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

Alder King Planning Consultants, on behalf of the supermarket giant, says no noise complaints have been received relating to the overnight deliveries since the 24-hour allowance has been in place and its operation has been successfully undertaken.

They say it can be concluded the permanent continuation of nighttime delivery hours is not expected to result in significant adverse impacts on nearby residents.

Through previous planning applications, the store has added an acoustic roof and enclosure to the delivery yard along with gates which have reduced any potential impacts.

An effort was made in 2012 to allow round-the-clock deliveries to the Foxes Road store but was unsuccessful as it would result in an unacceptable level of noise and general disturbance.

Last year, however, when the temporary change was made, the council's environmental health officer had no objection although Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council asked for the restrictions to remain in place.

No residents reflected the community council's concern.

Alder King says items need to continue to be replenished overnight to meet customer expectations that products are on the shelves when the store opens.

You can view the application, 22/01995/RVC, on the council's planning portal. Comments can be submitted until December 16.