Three young white storks, from an estate in West Sussex, are turning heads on the Isle of Wight.

The birds have ventured across the Solent and have so far stayed here for a number of weeks.

Islander Clare Jacobs recorded their visit with great close-up photographs and has shared them with the Wight Stork Project, and the Isle of Wight County Press.

The white storks have been spotted in Arreton, Godshill and Merstone and are identifiable by their tags.

Isle of Wight County Press: By Clare Jacobs, via the White Stork Project.By Clare Jacobs, via the White Stork Project. (Image: Clare Jacobs/White Stork Project.)

Part of a rewilding scheme, these birds were born on the Knepp Estate, near Horsham and are part of a scheme to reintroduce them to south of England, where it is believed they were once common.

The Isle of Wight visitors are all male and two are fitted with GPS tags, to allow their movements to be monitored.

To understand their behaviour, the Knepp Stork Project wants to hear abut where they are being seen.

Isle of Wight County Press: Clare Jacobs/White Stork Project.Clare Jacobs/White Stork Project. (Image: Clare Jacobs/White Stork Project.)