POLICE have confirmed an elderly man was arrested yesterday following a dispute between hunters and protesters.

The man, who was near the foxhounds' kennels, was alleged to have caused public disorder towards Wight Hunt Sabs who were observing the actions of the hunters and the hounds.

Wight Hunt Sabs got footage of the man being arrested and taken away by the police.

Yesterday, the police confirmed there had been a dispute between the two sides, but no further action was going to be taken. They didn't clarify if any arrests had been made.

Following an enquiry by the County Press, police have since confirmed a 71-year-old man from Newport was arrested on suspicion of using threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

A Hampshire Constabulary spokesperson confirmed: "He has since been released and no further action will be taken by police."

Wight Hunt Sabs said a member of the hunters had called the police out, and added: "Ironic that they called the police regarding us and ended up being arrested themselves."

In the UK it is illegal to hunt foxes with a pack of dogs. However, hunts can use dogs to simulate hunting, for example in drag or trail hunting.