I RECENTLY had to go across to Portsmouth by hovercraft for a medical appointment in Queen Alexandra (QA) Hospital. 

I had been told that I could now park for free in such a case, so left a copy of my appointment letter on display. 

I was therefore greatly disappointed on my return to find I’d been given a parking ticket.

I subsequently learned that I could have claimed back the parking fees after my return, but there was no mention of this at the time on the notice showing the fees. 

I only found out when someone showed me how to connect to the Isle of Wight Council web page describing the procedure.

The council, like many organisations these days, assumes that everyone they deal with is familiar with internet use and can just get on with it. 

Well, this is simply not true, as noted in the County Press letters pages before. 

I am in my 70s, and while I can manage to send and receive emails (hence this letter) I am challenged by anything more complicated.

I even managed to screw up my online hovercraft booking, getting the journey direction the wrong way round. Fortunately it was sorted out by the Hovertravel staff. 

Many of a similar age are far from tech-savvy, and the council in particular should be aware of this and make allowances accordingly. 

And don’t get me started on using an app on my phone.

I have appealed against my £50 fine, as that money should have gone towards my heating bill this coming winter, but I don’t hold out much hope. 

I’m sure they’ll just say I should have checked online first!

Read more letters sent to the County Press here. Do you have a view on this or any other subject? Send us a letter – under 350 words if possible - to editor@iwcp.co.uk