Currently on a tour of North America, Isle of Wight band Wet Leg’s popularity is growing rapidly.

In a new Canadian interview, they reveal a former job at Robin Hill County Park and their love for a Ventnor pub. This weekend's Isle of Wight Scooter Rally gets a mention too.

At Neptoon Records in Vancouver, Wet Leg chatted with veteran interviewer and radio presenter Nardwuar the Human Serviette.

Famed for his colourful outfits and upbeat, eccentric style, Nardwuar has 2.45 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.

He has previously interviewed the likes of Nirvana, Snoop Dog and Blur. 

Bombarded with the type of questions only excellent research can inform, the band's Rhian Teasdale revealed she used to dress as a squawk bird at her seasonal job at Robin Hill. 

The band reminisced about a “lovely” pub in Ventnor, called The Rose, which hosted what they recalled was their third gig.

The Isle of Wight Scooter Rally was mentioned during the interview and drummer Henry Holmes described the Island as a “haze of two stroke and broken down mopeds.”

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Other Island events including The Garlic Festival, Ventnor Fringe Festival, Rhythmtree and Post Fest got shout-outs too.

The band received numerous gifts from Nardwuar during the interview, including records and posters.