A GODSHILL vegan restaurant owner has made a biting riposte in response to a terse review of its menu options.

Reviewer, Will Hammond, gave Tansy's Pantry just a single star on Google Reviews, bemoaning a perceived lack of food provision "for meat eaters".

The popular vegan eatery pointed out all its menu options were suitable for meat eaters — because indeed 'meat eaters' are not defined by eating just meat. 

Tansy's Pantry suggested the customer head on over to a 'certain restaurant in Ventnor' instead, which would 'welcome him with open arms'.

This is no doubt a nod to The Kitchen at London House, found on the High Street, which recently went viral for defending its decision to not cater for vegans.

Read more: Isle of Wight restaurant defends lack of vegan options

London House said it had catered for vegans in the past, offering vegan cream teas and special vegan bacon, but said it stopped because it got fed up with 'the arrogant, holier-than-thou attitude'.

"Hi Will," wrote Tansy's Pantry.

"Firstly, thank you for taking the time to review us. 

"However, judging by your blanket reviews of all the Isle of Wight vegan businesses, I would hazard a guess that you haven't actually set foot in our restaurant. 

"Secondly, I hope you find it hilarious, as we certainly did. 

"Thirdly, all of our food is suitable for meat eaters and our varied, open minded customer base proves that. 

"To this day, not one meat eater has died or suffered a reaction as a result of eating our food (to the best of our knowledge of course). 

"We suggest that you head to a certain restaurant in Ventnor, who will welcome you with open arms, as we would have done before this stunning one-star review."