TWO dead deer have been found washed up on Fort Victoria beach, leading to speculation they could have drowned while swimming across from the mainland.

The pair were a male and female of the Reeves Muntjac species not native to the UK, but introduced to Woburn Abbey in the 19th century - and are now classified as an invasive species.

WARNING: Picture of dead deer below some readers may find upsetting

At the Isle of Wight Reptilarium, near to where the deer washed ashore, Neil Reed said Reeves Muntjac are not known as established on the Island, although sightings have been made.

He said: "To have two on our shoreline in the same day (albeit dead) is a bit of a rare occurrence.

"How did they get here? Well only a few weeks ago we saw a photograph of another deer swimming over to the beach here at Fort Victoria, we assumed that one made landfall and dispersed but it looked bigger than a muntjac.

"The stretch of sea between Fort Victoria and the mainland is only 1.5 miles and the deer must think it's a river and see the trees the other side and believe they can make a swim for it.

"The other scenario is for some reason these two found themselves in the water the other side, drowned and the tide carried them.

"Given the evidence for deer swimming over we think the first scenario is the most likely.

"There is often speculation as to how the Island could possibly have wild deer, given we have a deer free status. 

"I think these two have almost proved the point, that had they both made it, we would most certainly had a breeding pair of Reeves Muntjac dispersing into forest in the same location."

Isle of Wight County Press: One of the dead deer found at Fort Victoria. Picture courtesy of Isle of Wight Reptilarium.One of the dead deer found at Fort Victoria. Picture courtesy of Isle of Wight Reptilarium.

Sightings of wildlife can be recorded on The deer have been recorded.

Thanks to the Isle of Wight Retilarium for the information.