A FUNDRAISING campaign has been launched to help save an Isle of Wight gym under threat of closure. 

For more than 30 years, TJ's Gym has offered a health and fitness community to the Isle of Wight.

In 2016, the business moved from the Spithead Business Estate to its current address at 77 Sandown Road, Lake...the former Lake Working Men's Club.

The move afforded the business more usable space, car parking and greater accessibility for its members. 

But now, TJ's owner Steve Marsh claims The Porter Club — which he says is the registered freeholder of the property — plans to forfeit the lease.

The club operates from the rear of the building, and it means the gym is under threat of closure, and is seeking support to help cover legal fees.

"Should the Porter Club be successful in their court case, we risk the building being taken and the gym folding entirely," said Steve.

"Legal costs for TJ's to fight this action are between £15,000 and £25,000.

"We are seeking donations, no matter how small.

"We are a small business reliant upon our monthly membership subscriptions to survive.

"We cannot compete with the Porter Club financially without your help and support."

The Lake gym has approximately 200 members, fills 20 to 25 classes per week, and provides specialist sessions for people with learning difficulties.

It has raised more than £70,000 for charity and humanitarian projects in Romania and Ukraine with owners Steve and Tina Marsh, and members visiting Romania in the past.

A GoFundMe page has been set up, and so far, more than £3,000 has been raised.

Lawdit Solicitors, which is acting on behalf of The Porter Club, has been approached for a statement.