I have read with interest other people’s views (CP, 18-03-22) on the re-introduction of beavers to the IW and it is a shame that the objectors don’t see the wider picture.

Yes, beavers do cut down trees but they are the environmental engineers that help restore water systems and prevent water run-off and nitrates entering our waterways.

They encourage more biodiversity with the benefits that go with this and the wetland bogs that they create during their dam-building stores more carbon than the trees they cut down — at least they are not adding to the problem by burning it.

Therefore there is a real benefit in reintroducing them back to the Island’s water systems, rather than just being regarded as a pest that cuts down trees.

Read more: Isle of Wight gets its say on beaver introduction plan

Read more: How beaver introduction would be managed.

Read more: Meet the woman managing beaver plan

Read more letters sent to the County Press here. Do you have a view on this or any other subject? Send us a letter to editor@iwcp.co.uk